Sunday, November 11, 2012

Managing Time as an Adult Learner

In high school years school was the primary concern. Teacher provides the proper learning environment; parents take care for school materials, food and other personal needs. Still felt like not enough time for school work. This is opposite to an adult learner. As an adult learner other responsibility becomes the first priority. It is especially hard when they have a family to care for and household responsibilities too. Family care becomes primary concern for them. At the same time they deal with financial responsibilities too. Also as a member of society, they have to conscious on their social responsibilities.

Most adult learners find their greatest challenge in life is in managing time effectively. Besides the study, many adult learners deal with the issues of child and family care, job and financial responsibilities, and housework and social responsibilities. An adult learner needs to allocate his time to spouse, children and immediate social circles without any question. At the same time they has financial responsibilities, so they require to find job and need to spend huge portion of time on work. Also an adult learner struggles with health issues, marriage and divorce, buying new house, children and their education, losing job and so on. And also being a parent, they need to allocate their time for children and have to calmly listen their children's amazing-amazing talks and need to answer them. That’s why; many adults never think that they can manage their time for education along with so many responsibilities. Because of so many responsibilities, time management becomes harder and cause to contemplate giving up their dreams at one point or another. According to a research report, 68% of adult students allocate their time for job outside of study, same way 85% adults do housework, 41% childcare, 23% adult care and 17% homework and internships (Kinsela, 1998). This result at least can show how adults are juggling different responsibilities and why they need a good time management skills. Lack of proper time management skill, they spends large portion of their time in less priority activities and they miss their prime work. Managing all these responsibilities and study at the same time can be a difficult balancing act. It is important to maintain a good balance among study, work and other responsibilities. A good time management skill can help to organize and maintain a healthy balance among all of these activities.

Adult learners need to learn how their time should be managed perfectly as they need to allocate time for their work and study behind their so many responsibilities. The family support, understanding and encouragement will definitely help to get success on learning activities as well as other responsibilities. It is very important to maintain a good relationship with family members while taking the time to study. So that responsibilities and tasks can be shared and can create good learning environment. And also it is very important to create such environment so that spouse and other family members can feel and understand the future benefits that the family will gain when the studies completed. It will be better to have a family study time. This will help to keep schedule structured to get studies completed and at the same time will help children with their studies as well. This will also be promoting good habits for children's future.

Planning is a fundamental part of managing time. So that another very important step is setting up a simple schedule or timetable using a weekly calendar to plan activities, study requirements, assessments, family and job activities and other commitments. Some people prefer daily calendar and some weekly, it depends on personal preference. But it is recommended to make weekly calendar and create a daily exceptional notes or to do list. This will help the adult learner to allocate the time for specific tasks and show the places where they have extra hours they can use for studying. Setting a priority against each is important in helping achieve goals rather than being overwhelmed by what you have to do. If there are conflicts among the various demands, it needs to give greater consideration to prime goals. An adult learner needs to avoid the conflicts among study, work and other responsibilities. At the same time the most prime task can be break down to smaller unit tasks so that it will be very specific to achieve the goal. Review weekly calendar daily and create a daily 'To Do' list for the next day will help to organize time and show what need to accomplish the next day. Motivation is another factor which helps the people get organized and focused on goals. It is very important not to lose energy by gathering thoughts to begin again. Motivation with good time management skills will help adults to gather the personal energy and that will be very great to achieve the target. And also adult learners need proper rest to concentrate on task. Work, study, travel and other so many responsibilities makes mind stressful, and stressful mind cannot generate the productive thoughts, so break or rest is required to refresh mind.

Time management is the key to maintain balance between study and other activities. All personal activities will be goal oriented. A good time management skill provides a healthy balance among work, study and family. A successful time management provides a clear understanding of what to do and when to do, and helps to setup the goals and prioritize the activities. That’s why, time management is very important to avoid the spending time in unnecessary activities. It also helps to focus on most urgent work and have a deadline for completion. It may limit the time for family, friends and other relatives, but it will be very organized. There will be no chances to forget or miss any important or high priority work, such as assessment, test or any family or personal work. Once all activities are organized, people start to think about future career and study, and that will make life more productive. People will not be stressed and rushing tasks, due to lack of time. An adult learner can find new opportunity with good time management skills. Time management makes possible and comfortable to continue their education along with their family and financial responsibilities.

Time is a limited resource, once the task is missed, it is missed, time never comes back and it cannot be accumulated. In the highly competitive and fast pace world, there is a pressing need to learn how to manage time as efficiently as possible. For an adult learner it is amazing tool to get focused and organized. A good time management contributes to success of an adult learner. It allows individuals to spend time doing the things that they really enjoy. Time management organizes school works as well as family responsibilities, so that life quality will be improved. They will get more done in less time. And finally they will get happy, healthy and balanced life.


Blaxter, L., & Tight, M. (1994). Juggling with time: How adults manage their time for lifelong education. Studies in the Education of Adults. 26(2), 162.

Hoare, C. (2006). Handbook of adult development and learning. Oxford, UK. Oxford University Press.

Steinbach, R. (2000). Successful lifelong learning. Ten tactics for today and tomorrow revised edition of the adult learner. Melo Park, CA. Crisp Publications

Simpson University. (n.d.). Tips for Adult Students. Retrieved from


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